Monthly Archives: November 2012

Turcia-dragoste la prima vedere


        Cand auzim de Turcia, cu totii ne gandim ba la femei imbracate din cap pana in picoare in negru,lasand doar o mica portiune nedescoperita in zona ochilor,ba la dansuri din buric.Ne gandim ca Turcia este un fel de “aprozar”,ca doar na,mai auzim pe la parintii nostri:”ehee,veneam cu covoare din turcia,cu aur,cu tigari…pe vremea aia la noi nu se gasea nimic…”.Ei bine,Turcia este ceva mai mult de atat!

In aceasta vara am fost participant intr-un proiect,numit “seven colors”,proiect ce s-a desfasurat in Konya,un oras al Turciei.Am ajuns in Istanbul intr-o dimineata de vara insorita..Cum am iesit din aeroport,am zis ca am ajuns intr-o alta lume.Un oras imens,pe placul oricui:moschee,parcuri,litoral,mall-uri,ca sa nu mai vorbesc de Grand Bazaar,unde poti gasi orice,de la papuci de casa pana la lampi si narghilea.Cu toate ca eram obositi de pe drum,adormiti,infometati,insetati si vai de mama noastra,nu aveam cum sa nu deschidem larg ochii la tot ce era in jurul nostru.Pana acum credeam ca Bucurestiul este un oras aglomerat,bogat si plin de posibilitati…Istanbulul cred ca este a opta minue a lumii.Konya,orasul nostru gazda si deasemnea unul din cele mai mari orase din Turcia poate fi considerat mai conservator,mai cultural,mai religios.

Unul din lucrurile care m-a impresionat a fost ospitalitatea oamenil.In fiecare institutie pe care am vizitat-o ne era servit cate un ceai…dar nu ceaiul acela pe care il avem noi,de zici ca e suc fara acid.Un ceai tare,care dupa parerea mea nu poate fi baut decat de cei cu sange rece.Si sa nu uit deserturile,baclavalele lor din care ai fi fost in stare sa mananci la nesfarsit si care nu sunt nici pe departe asemanatoare cu chestiile alea ce stau in rafturile de la Kaufland luni de zile.Fistic,alune,zahar si mult suflet fac niste baclavale extraordinare,si desigur,aerul turcesc.

Acum,ca tot am spus atatea lucruri trecem si la partea mai putin buna.Proiectul in sine

a fost reusit,am avut parte de mobilizare din partea autoritatilor,a unor participanti..dar,comunicarea cu ei..asta a cam lasat de dorit..”engleza turceasca” este putin cam greu de inteles,dar totusi,romanii se descurca in orice situatie si in orice colt de lume.Cum nu am reusit sa ne ratacim in Istanbul,am reusit si sa coomunicam cu ei.

In final,ce pot sa spun..a fost o experienta foarte placuta,pe care as repeta-o oricand mi s-ar oferi ocazia.Cu toate ca imi iubesc tara, daca ar veni vorba sa ma mut in Turcia,m-as gandi de doua ori inainte de a da raspunsul…O plimbare pe saptamana de-a lungul Bosforului,e o experienta careia cu greu i-ai zice nu!

Denisa Ion

Keep calm and apply for Projects: Wanted for Macedonia and UK

Keep calm and apply for Projects: Wanted for Macedonia and UK

Dear friends from Ramnic and everywhere in Romania, for the beginning of 2013 ATCE-Speranta Ramniceana invites you to 2 projects in which we are partners:

-No 1. is open for people aged over 18, no upper age  limit, no experience in youth-work or volonteering required and English skills are an advantage but not a must. Wanted 2 participants

-No 2. is for youngsters over 18 years old and youth workers who are willing to develop new skills in creating intercultural dialogue. Wanted 3 participants

Going into details:

No 1. seminar:

                 From Borders to European integration

           Itineraries from yesterday to today

                        Skopje-Macedonia, 7-10 February 2013

The project “From Borders to European integration – Itineraries from yesterday to today” will bring citizens of Europe to reflect on former and actual borders in Europe: how and why did the EU integration process took place? How can this show us relevant and creative ways to address current existing borders on our current European territory? What were the short-comings of the EU integration process and how can insure these not to occur for future EU enlargement? The project lasts 15 months and features four seminars in specific urban settings (Berlin, Tirana, Warsaw and Skopje) where local and international participants from six different countries of Europe (DE-RO-AL-MK-PL-LV) will engage into dialogue and discuss various themes related to borders such as urban exclusion, ghettoization, multiculturalism, physical borders, social exclusion and linguistic barriers. Participants will mirror past and present: e. g. addressing ghettoization by looking at the Warsaw Ghetto and modern ghettoization in urban centres, addressing physical borders while looking at the former Berlin Wall and the Shengen border, etc. The project addresses the EU integration process by appreciating its outcomes and consequences on its citizens’ daily lifes. Aim of the project: to foster awareness about the challenges of the EU integration process

Specific Objectives:

1. To foster European citizens’ critical analysis of the side effects of the European integration process by focussing on shortcomings in inclusion,

2. To stimulate citizens’ engagement to address existing issues related to borders in Europe with a pro-active approach and creative methods,

3. To raise awareness about borders and exclusions in Europe and foster solidarity towards those excluded

Arrival date: 7 February 2013

Departure day 10 February 2013

Venue: Skopje, Macedonia (Romanian citizens need either valid passports or identity card to enter Macedonia.)

The findings of the citizens participating in the 4 events will be gathered in a collection of impressions in order to stimulate citizens to take active role in over-coming current exclusion in their local reality.

The activities of this seminar will take place in Skopje, 7-10 February 2013. Activities, accommodation and food costs are covered by the project budget and 70% of the transport in refund regime (the participant buys the ticket, attends the full program in Skopje, send all travel documents in original to the organizers and receives 70% of the tickets costs by bank transfer a.s.a.p.) within a certain limit to be communicated to the participants.

Organizers: European Intercultural Forum (

Offcial pages of the project:,

The Romanian partner in the project is Asociatia de Tineret Cultura si Educatie “Speranta Ramniceana” from Ramnicu Sarat, Buzau county ( The participants would go on our behalf. The project is open to all public as the themes addressed are relevant to any citizen living in Europe, independently of their social, academic, ethnical, political or religious background and views.

The applicants out of whom we will select the 2 participants should be interested in the topic, have knowledge about the European Union evolution until the current situation, have argumented opinions regarding boarders.

How to apply?

Application closed

The selection results will be announced by e-mail before the 20th December 2012.

No. 2 training course:



 Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, 12-19 MARCH  2013 // ASHA CENTRE

 The aim of the training course is to provide participants with necessary competences in using storytelling as a tool for intercultural education. The project will promote storytelling as a universal educational tool applicable for conflict resolution, leadership development and intercultural dialogue. Participants will not only learn about the principles of storytelling, but will also show them how they themselves can adapt stories for educational purposes. The course will also foster exchange of experience and good practice in the use of storytelling in youth work. The project will contribute to the implementation of YiA Programme objectives as well as objectives of the Eastern Partnership Window.

Organizers: ASHA Center-;

Arrival date: 12 March 2013

Departure date: 19 March 2013

Venue: ASHA Centre,Flaxley, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

The Romanian partner in the project is Asociatia de Tineret Cultura si Educatie “Speranta Ramniceana” from Ramnicu Sarat, Buzau county ( The participants would go on our behalf.

The applicants out of whom we will select the 2 participants should have experience in working with youngsters, preferably on an international level, a good level of communicating in English, interest in developing future projects in this field and in fostering intercultural dialogue. Knowledge about YIA Programme, storytelling and previous experience in coordinating/managing/leading activities or projects are advantages.

The activities of this training course will take place in Gloucestershire, 19-26 February 2013. Activities, accommodation and food costs are covered by the project budget and 70% of the transport in refund regime (the participant buys the ticket, attends the full program in Gloucestershire, send all travel documents in original to the organizers and receives 70% of the tickets costs by bank transfer a.s.a.p.) within a certain limit to be communicated to the participants.

How to apply?

 Application closed

The selection results will be announced by e-mail before the 15th December 2012.

Asociatia de Tineret Cultura si Educatie “Speranta Ramniceana”, as partner in the projects above, has the responsbility to select the participants according to the criteria of each project, of our organization and of the mission that we base our work upon. We mention that the main target group is our local community.

For further information, feel free to contact Daniela Strimbei at